Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A letter on her 5th Birthday

My sweet A. (a.k.a. #2),
                     5 years ago today we welcomed you, our second daughter into this world. Little did I know we would all start on a journey that still continues today and may never end. My prayer for you that day you were born was for a happy, healthy, long life. (Isn't that what every parent wants for their child?)
Then life changed. Something wasn't right. 

                    I pray that you know that mommy and daddy fought for you; we fought for answers from all 27 doctors. I hope you know that mommy and daddy prayed many, many nights that your sickness and pain and suffering would be poured out on us, not on you our sweet girl. We prayed for relief and Ultimate healing. We prayed for answers.

                   Today, that prayer has changed; I believe for the better. I pray for your health, yes. But I also pray that you see that health in this life may never be optimal- I pray for your spiritual health. I pray you find your Savior and lead a life full of the Fruit of the Spirit, a life of living faith (James 2:14-26). I pray for peace, for us all, in that this is part of the story we have been given. I pray for patience as we continue to find our 'normal.'  I pray for boldness to share your story, our story for His Glory.

                  My sweet little girl, please don't let these physical differences burden you. Live your story as He intended- for HIS GLORY. Live vibrantly always, as you do now. Keep smiling even when people stare or offer advice on a 'cure.'  Share your story with others; that there is peace in trials, even if you must seek it hard and long to find it. Love well, even when it hurts beyond words. Rest in knowing that this is not the only part to your story- it will continue to be a beautiful unfolding of His handiwork.

                 Know that mommy and daddy love you so, and thank God every day for choosing us to be your parents. You are beautiful. You are smart. You are silly *wink*. You are loved, loved, loved. *hugs!*

Enjoy your day. Laugh. And don't just lick the frosting off the cupcake! 

 Love, Mommy

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