Monday, July 30, 2012

Purging and a little something to share....

     I've been purging my whole house. So, when I sit down to the computer (which is not very often!) I have also been going through my pictures.... it's a mess. I'm trying really hard not to let it overwhelm me. Really though, I'm just wishing we were back when you took a picture and had to wait until the film was developed a week later to enjoy the excitement of looking at all your pictures and laugh at all the ones that didn't turn out! *laugh* But, I digress.....

    I made a Shutterfly book of all our favorite pictures from last year and I was really pleased with it. So, I'm attempting to stay up to date throughout this year with all my favorites so I'm not bogged down when I'm ready to put this year's favorites together in a book. So, today I'm sharing one of my favorites so far this year... Enjoy!



  1. I have been so bad about taking pics of my babies! I'd so much rather stare at them and enjoy them than take pics, but that doesn't lead to very full scrapbooks. :(


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